Dave Alese

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Make 2025 Your Best Year! Grow With Dave Alese

Dominate every facet of your life

Dave Alese
Expert Life Coaching

Business Coaching

As the Founder and Principal of Geans Edge Group, Dave has led diverse teams of professionals for more than 2 decades, building successful businesses in different sectors across information technology, consulting, franchising and real estate. 

Dave is a gifted teacher with an unusual ability to analyze and explain complex concepts, using basic real life analogies. His ability to add humor and fun to his coaching programs has endeared him to thousands of clients he has supported across the world for many years.

Mindset Development

Cultivating a growth mindset, overcoming limiting beliefs, and fostering resilience.

Time Management

Techniques to optimize time and improve output.

Career Growth

Building skills, finding purpose, and achieving career success.

Emotional Intelligence

Managing emotions, developing empathy, and building strong relationships.

Financial Literacy

Teaching people to manage money wisely, invest, and achieve financial independence.

Leadership & Influence

Developing skills to lead and inspire others effectively.

We provide solutions for your Company Development, More Services

Transform Every Aspect of your life

Gain the skills, mindset, and strategies to create lasting success and fulfillment in every aspect of your life.

Achieve Your Best Self with Dave Alese’s Mentorship

Dave is dedicated to helping you grow, offering strong accountability measures and a community of like-minded individuals. With the growth tools provided by the Dave Alese community, success is inevitable.

Experienced Coaches

Shorten to growth path with, effective mentorship from Dave Alese

Continuous Support

Receive continuous support throughout the year until you achieve growth, including one-on-one sessions with Dave Alese.

30,000 +
Happy Clients

225 +
Speaking Events

35 +
Growth Tools

25 +
Year Experienced

Recieve Regular Insights On Self Growth Tips

Enhance your Leadership

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Manage your business finances effectively.

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Improve your communication

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We Help You Track Growth

The Best Steps to Success with Us

With three easy steps you can know your growth status with tools set in place to evaluate your growth

Visit our website

Visit our Website , and know about us


Take the 3-minute evaluation tests to provide us with tailored insights about you.

Join Community

join the community and join other persons, in accountability and collective growth


What People Say About Dave

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mauris diam, at bibendum justo viverra non. Integer suscipit neque sapien,
commodo sodales ipsum porttitor nec. Quisque at magna leo. Etiam posuere
cursus libero at facilisis. Duis euismod massa quis erat vehicula blandit nec a
arcu. Quisque pharetra ante vitae sagittis feugiat.

John Davis


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